
  • [코리안후안] 영어 독해 연습 How to stop Masturbating
    영어/영어 독해 2020. 5. 24. 13:50

    오늘은 "건강한 성생활을 위한 자위 행위"라는 주제로

    자위를 중단하는 방법(소위 "금딸")에 대한 전문지식 자료를 통해

    금딸 지식도 얻고 영어 공부도 하는 1석 2조의 포스팅을 해보려고 합니다.^^;

    천천히 들어가 볼까요~



    How to Stop Masturbating

    Masturbation is a normal part of sexual health. It’s a fun activity that can be a safe way to explore sexuality and self-pleasure.

    However, if masturbation prevents you from performing daily tasks or it interferes with your work or responsibilities, it may be time to try to create a better relationship with the activity.

    What’s important to remember is that masturbation is not bad. It won’t cause side effects. In fact, it can be quite beneficial. Still, if it’s bothering you, quitting or cutting back is possible. Here’s how.


    When masturbating is a problem

    Masturbation is common. People who are in satisfying sexual relationships with a partner masturbate. People who aren’t in a relationship masturbate. People who don’t have a pleasurable sex life also masturbate. For most people, masturbation is a normal activity.

    Occasionally, masturbation can become problematic. This happens when you:

    • can’t control the urge to masturbate
    • skip work, school, or social functions so you can masturbate
    • plan your day around when you can masturbate


    How to stop masturbating

    Learning to stop masturbating is a process. You must overcome urges and behaviors you’ve practiced for months, possibly years. This can take time. But it’s possible.

    As with any other behavior that feels out of control, retraining yourself to not masturbate requires a series of steps and strategies. These can include the following approaches.


    Find a therapist

    When you’re ready to develop a healthier relationship with masturbating or to stop entirely, talk with your doctor. They can refer you to a counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist who specializes in sexual health.

    To find a local sex therapist, visit the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT).

    These specialists are trained to help people with sexual health concerns like yours and can offer recommendations.


    Be honest

    Masturbation often carries a stigma. Some religious, cultural, and spiritual traditions associate masturbation with immorality or sin.

    Masturbation is neither bad nor immoral. It’s normal and healthy. If you feel guilty or upset because you masturbate, tell your therapist or doctor. It’s very important you two get to the root of your feelings so you can overcome them.


    Take your time

    Therapy isn’t a one-stop shop. A single visit is a step toward help, but you should expect to see a therapist who specializes in sexual health for several weeks or months.

    As you continue to meet and talk, you will begin to feel more comfortable. This can help you be more honest and forthcoming about your feelings and behaviors.


    Stay busy

    Keeping a full schedule will cut down on the opportunities you have for masturbation. Find activities that are self-soothing, engaging, or exciting.

    This can include exercise, mindfulness, yoga, discovering a new hobby, making dates with friends for dinner, or exploring new museums or exhibits. When you keep busy, you reduce opportunities for masturbation.


    Take care of your body

    A healthy diet and exercise are good for your body in many ways. For people trying to stop masturbating, a new emphasis on caring for yourself may reduce urges or provide motivation to resist. It can also provide a new focus for your energy and efforts.


    Develop strategies

    With the help of your doctor or therapist, identify your trouble times. Maybe you masturbate at night before bed. Maybe you masturbate in the shower every morning.

    If you can identify when you’re most likely to masturbate, you and your doctor can come up with activities and plans to overcome the urge and the learned behaviors.


    Find a support group

    Accountability is important for anyone trying to modify behavior that feels out of control. It can also help you develop new behaviors. Support groups are available for people with out-of-control sexual behavior.

    Ask your doctor or therapist if there’s a support group in your area. Likewise, online support groups may be helpful for people who can’t meet with traditional in-person support groups.


    Limit your alone time

    Down time can be difficult for people trying to reshape behaviors. Try to move activities you’d normally conduct alone to a more public space.

    For example, if you like to watch sports, go to a sports bar or pub instead of staying home. If you’re anxiously awaiting new episodes of a show, host a viewing party so friends come to your house.


    Wear extra clothes at night

    Underwear provides only a slight physical barrier between you and your genitals. But rubbing or touching yourself at night may mindlessly encourage you to masturbate. Wear an extra layer of clothing or two to reduce the sensation if you do rub yourself.


    Stop watching pornography

    The stimulation from pornography may be too strong to overcome. Take measures to prevent yourself from accessing pornography.

    Throw out any movies, magazines, or other content. Move your computer to a public room in the house so you can’t be alone when using it. You can also install porn-blocking software. More important, identify what the function of your porn use is.


    Be patient

    Behavior that feels out of control doesn’t form overnight, and it doesn’t end overnight either. Be patient with the process. Commit to the end result and understand you may hit stumbling blocks along the way. Determination can see you through the inevitable mistakes and struggles.



    The bottom line

    Masturbation is a healthy, normal activity. For some people, however, it can begin to interfere with everyday life and activities. While there are no physical side effects to masturbating frequently, it may interfere with your work, school, and relationships.

    If this is happening to you, learning to stop or cut back on masturbation may help you have a healthier relationship with this sexual activity.

    Find the help you need to feel more in control of your sexual health. Don’t be discouraged if the process is difficult. Stay focused and reach out for help from a health care professional who is trained in human sexuality.

    出處 https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-stop-masturbating#1 by Kimberly Holland



    How to Stop Masturbating

    자위 끊는 방법


    Masturbation is a normal part of sexual health.

    자위는 성건강의 정상적인 부분입니다.


    It’s a fun activity that can be a safe way to explore sexuality and self-pleasure.

    자위는 즐거운 활동인데, 그것은 성적인 취향과 만족을 탐험할 안전한 방법이 될 수 있습니다.


    However, if masturbation prevents you from performing daily tasks

    그러나 자위가 당신이 일과를 수행하는 것을 막거나


    or it interferes with your work or responsibilities,

    당신의 일이나 책무를 방해한다면,


    it may be time to try to create a better relationship with the activity.

    당신의 성적 활동에 대한 더 낳은 방법을 정립 해야 할 때입니다.


    What’s important to remember is that masturbation is not bad.

    반드시 기억할 것은 자위가 나쁜 게 아니라는 겁니다.


    It won’t cause side effects.

    자위는 부작용을 초래하지 않습니다.


    In fact, it can be quite beneficial.

    사실, 자위는 상당히 유익합니다.


    Still, if it’s bothering you, quitting or cutting back is possible. Here’s how.

    하지만 만약 자위가 성가시다면, 자위를 끊거나 줄이는 것도 가능합니다. 이제 방법을 소개합니다.


    When masturbating is a problem

    자위가 문제가 될 때


    Masturbation is common.

    자위는 정상적인 것입니다.


    People who are in satisfying sexual relationships with a partner masturbate.

    파트너와의 성관계가 만족스러운 사람들도 자위하며,


    People who aren’t in a relationship masturbate.

    만족스럽지 않은 사람들도 자위합니다.


    People who don’t have a pleasurable sex life also masturbate.

    즐겁지 않은 성생활을 하는 사람들도 자위합니다.


    For most people, masturbation is a normal activity.

    대부분의 사람들에게 자위는 정상적인 활동입니다.


    Occasionally, masturbation can become problematic. This happens when you:

    때에 따라 자위가 문제가 되는 경우는:


    - can’t control the urge to masturbate

    - 자위충동을 조절할 수 없을 때와


    - skip work, school, or social functions so you can masturbate

    - 자위하려고 직장, 학교, 중요한 행사를 가지 않을 때와


    - plan your day around when you can masturbate

    - 하루의 중요한 계획들이 당신의 자위 계획에 좌지우지 될 때입니다.

    • Plan B around A = A를 위해 B를 계획하다.
    • Plan for A = A를 위해 계획하다


    How to stop masturbating

    자위를 끊는 법


    Learning to stop masturbating is a process.

    금딸을 배우는 것은 하나의 과정입니다.


    You must overcome urges and behaviors you’ve practiced for months, possibly years.

    당신이 수개월 어쩌면 수년 동안 행했던 충동과 행동을 당신은 극복해야만 합니다.


    This can take time. But it’s possible.

    시간이 걸리겠지만 가능합니다.


    As with any other behavior that feels out of control,

    통제할 수 없게 느껴지는 다른 모든 행동과 같이


    retraining yourself to not masturbate requires a series of steps and strategies.

    금딸을 위한 재훈련은 일련의 단계와 전략이 필요합니다.


    These can include the following approaches.

    단계와 전략들은 다음과 같이 해볼 수 있습니다.


    Find a therapist

    치료전문가를 찾아라!


    When you’re ready to develop a healthier relationship with masturbating or to stop entirely,

    당신이 자위에 대한 건전한 방법을 가지려고 하거나 금딸하기에 준비가 되었다면,


    talk with your doctor.

    의사와 상담하십시오.


    They can refer you to a counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist who specializes in sexual health.

    의사는 당신을 성건강을 전문으로하는 상담가, 심리학자, 정신과의사에게 보낼 수 있습니다.

    • refer A to B = send A to B in order to get help


    To find a local sex therapist, visit the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT).

    지역 성전문가를 찾으려면, AASECT를 방문하십시오.


    These specialists are trained to help people with sexual health concerns like yours and can offer recommendations.

    이 전문가들은 당신과 같은 성건강 문제를 가진 사람들을 돕도록 훈련되어있으며, 좋은 제안을 제공해줄 수 있습니다.


    Be honest



    Masturbation often carries a stigma.

    자위는 종종 수치심을 일으킵니다.


    Some religious, cultural, and spiritual traditions associate masturbation with immorality or sin.

    몇몇 종교적, 문화적, 영적 전통들은 자위를 부도덕 또는 죄와 결부시킵니다.


    Masturbation is neither bad nor immoral.

    자위는 나쁜 것도 부도덕적인 것도 아닙니다.


    It’s normal and healthy.

    자위는 정상적이고 건강한 것입니다.


    If you feel guilty or upset because you masturbate, tell your therapist or doctor.

    만약 자위해서 죄책감이나 혼란스러움을 느끼신다면, 당신의 치료사나 의사에게 말하십시오.


    It’s very important you to get to the root of your feelings so you can overcome them.

    죄책감이나 혼란스러움을 극복하기 위해서 당신이 당신의 기저감정에 도달하는 것이 중요합니다.


    Take your time

    서두르지 마라!


    Therapy isn’t a one-stop shop.

    치료는 원스탑 가게가 아닙니다.


    A single visit is a step toward help,

    첫 방문은 미래의 도움을 향한 첫걸음일 뿐,


    but you should expect to see a therapist who specializes in sexual health for several weeks or months.

    당신은 성건강 전문의를 몇 주 또는 수개월 동안 볼 생각을 해야 합니다.


    As you continue to meet and talk, you will begin to feel more comfortable.

    당신이 지속해서 만나서 이야기하면서, 더 안정감을 느끼기 시작하게 될 겁니다.


    This can help you be more honest and forthcoming about your feelings and behaviors.

    그러면서 당신은 당신의 감정과 행동들에 대해 더욱 정직해지고 더 잘 말할 수 있게 될 겁니다.


    Stay busy

    바쁨을 유지하라!


    Keeping a full schedule will cut down on the opportunities you have for masturbation.

    꽉 찬 스케줄을 지키는 것은 당신이 자위할 기회를 줄일 겁니다.


    Find activities that are self-soothing, engaging, or exciting.

    자기만족을 주거나 매력적이거나 재미있는 활동들을 찾으십시오.

    • self-soothing = 자기위로
    • engaging = 매력적인


    This can include exercise, mindfulness, yoga, discovering a new hobby, making dates with friends for dinner, or exploring new museums or exhibits.

    재미있는 활동을 찾는 것은 운동, 명상, 요가, 취미발견, 친구와 저녁 데이트, 새로운 박물관이나 전시회 관람 등이 될 수 있습니다.

    • mindfulness = 명상훈련


    When you keep busy, you reduce opportunities for masturbation.

    당신이 계속 바쁘면, 당신은 자위할 기회가 줄어들게 됩니다.


    Take care of your body

    자신의 몸을 챙겨라!


    A healthy diet and exercise are good for your body in many ways.

    건강한 식단과 운동은 여러 가지로 자신의 몸에 좋습니다.


    For people trying to stop masturbating, a new emphasis on caring for yourself may reduce urges or provide motivation to resist.

    금딸을 노력하는 사람들에게, 자신을 챙기는 것에 대한 새로운 초점은 자위충동을 줄이거나 충동에 저항할 동기를 제공할 것입니다.


    It can also provide a new focus for your energy and efforts.

    그것은 또한 당신의 에너지와 노력을 위한 새로운 초점을 제공할 수 있습니다.


    Develop strategies

    전략을 개발하라!


    With the help of your doctor or therapist, identify your trouble times.

    의사나 치료사의 도움으로 자위할 위험이 있는 문제 시간을 확인하십시오.


    Maybe you masturbate at night before bed.

    아마도 잠자리 들기 전에 당신은 자위를 할 수도 있습니다.


    Maybe you masturbate in the shower every morning.

    아마도 아침 샤워 때에 할 수도 있습니다.


    If you can identify when you’re most likely to masturbate,

    만약 당신이 주로 자위할 거 같은 때를 확인할 수 있다면,


    you and your doctor can come up with activities and plans to overcome the urge and the learned behaviors.

    당신과 당신의 의사는 충동과 학습된 행동을 극복할 활동들과 계획을 만들 수 있습니다.

    • come up with = make


    Find a support group

    지지 모임을 찾으십시오.


    Accountability is important for anyone trying to modify behavior that feels out of control.

    책임을 지는 것은 통제가 안 되는 행동을 수정하려고 노력하는 모든 사람들에게 중요합니다.

    • Accountability = being responsible for one’s doing something


    It can also help you develop new behaviors.

    그것은 또한 당신이 새로운 행동을 개발하는 것을 돕습니다.


    Support groups are available for people with out-of-control sexual behavior.

    지지 모임은 성적행동을 억제하지 못하는 사람들이 이용할 수 있습니다.


    Ask your doctor or therapist if there’s a support group in your area.

    의사나 치료사에게 당신 지역에 지지모임이 있나 물으십시오.


    Likewise, online support groups may be helpful for people who can’t meet with traditional in-person support groups.

    마찬가지로, 온라인 지지모임은 기존의 대면적 지지모임이 맞지 않는 사람들에게 도움이 될 수 있습니다.


    Limit your alone time

    혼자 있는 시간을 제한하라!


    Down time can be difficult for people trying to reshape behaviors.

    휴식 시간은 행동을 바꾸려고 노력하는 사람들에게 힘들 수 있습니다.

    • down time = 휴식 시간
    • reshape = change


    Try to move activities you’d normally conduct alone to a more public space.

    당신이 보통 혼자서 했던 활동들을 좀더 사람들이 많은 장소로 이동해서 해보려고 노력하십시오.


    For example, if you like to watch sports, go to a sports bar or pub instead of staying home.

    예를 들어, 스포츠 보는 걸 좋아하면, 집에 있기 보다 술집으로 가서 보십시오.


    If you’re anxiously awaiting new episodes of a show, host a viewing party so friends come to your house.

    쇼 프로그램의 새로운 에피소드를 안절부절 기다릴 땐, 함께 보는 파티를 열어 친구가 집에 오게 하십시오.


    Wear extra clothes at night

    저녁에 옷을 더 껴입어라!


    Underwear provides only a slight physical barrier between you and your genitals.

    속옷은 당신과 당신의 성기 사이를 구분해주는 아주 얇은 물리적 구조물일 뿐입니다.


    But rubbing or touching yourself at night may mindlessly encourage you to masturbate.

    저녁에 문지르거나 닿기만 하는 것으로도 생각 없이 당신을 자위하도록 이끌 수도 있습니다.


    Wear an extra layer of clothing or two to reduce the sensation if you do rub yourself.

    이런 위험한 느낌을 줄이기 위해 옷을 한두겹 더 껴입으십시오, 만약 당신이 스스로를 문지른다면.


    Stop watching pornography

    야동 보는 것을 끊어라!


    The stimulation from pornography may be too strong to overcome.

    야동이 주는 자극은 너무 세서 극복할 수 없습니다.


    Take measures to prevent yourself from accessing pornography.

    당신이 포르노 접속을 할 수 없게 조치하십시오.


    Throw out any movies, magazines, or other content.

    모든 영화, 잡지, 또는 다른 내용물 전부 버리십시오.


    Move your computer to a public room in the house so you can’t be alone when using it.

    당신 컴퓨터를 거실로 옮겨서 당신이 컴퓨터 사용할 때 혼자 있을 수 없게 하십시오.


    You can also install porn-blocking software.

    또한 야동차단 프로그램을 깔 수도 있습니다.


    More important, identify what the function of your porn use is.

    더 중요한 건, 당신의 포르노 이용의 용도가 무엇인지 확인하십시오.


    Be patient

    인내심을 가져라!


    Behavior that feels out of control doesn’t form overnight,

    통제가 힘든 행동은 하룻밤 사이에 형성되지 않으며,


    and it doesn’t end overnight either.

    하룻밤 사이에 끝나지도 않습니다.


    Be patient with the process.

    과정에 인내심을 가지십시오.


    Commit to the end result and understand you may hit stumbling blocks along the way.

    최종 결과에 전념하시고, 도중에 장애물에 부딪칠 수도 있음을 이해하십시오.


    Determination can see you through the inevitable mistakes and struggles.

    결심은 피할 수 없는 실수와 투쟁을 통해 당신을 볼 수 있습니다.(무슨 말인지 모르겠네요. 아시는 분 댓글 좀…^^)


    The bottom line



    Masturbation is a healthy, normal activity.

    자위는 건강하고 정상적인 활동입니다.


    For some people, however, it can begin to interfere with everyday life and activities.

    그러나 몇몇 사람들에게는 자위가 일상과 활동들을 방해하기 시작할 수 있습니다.


    While there are no physical side effects to masturbating frequently,

    자주 자위하는 것이 물리적 부작용은 없지만,


    it may interfere with your work, school, and relationships.

    그것은 직장, 학교, 인간관계에 방해가 될 수 있습니다.


    If this is happening to you, learning to stop or cut back on masturbation may help you have a healthier relationship with this sexual activity.

    이런 문제가 생기면, 금딸이나 자위 횟수를 줄이는 게 건전한 성활동에 도움이 될 수 있습니다.


    Find the help you need to feel more in control of your sexual health.

    성건강을 잘 지키고 있음을 느끼도록 당신이 필요한 도움을 찾으십시오.


    Don’t be discouraged if the process is difficult.

    과정이 힘들어도 낙담하지 마십시오.


    Stay focused and reach out for help from a health care professional who is trained in human sexuality.

    마음을 다잡으시고, 성의학에 훈련된 건강전문가의 도움에 손길을 뻗으십시오.



    '영어 > 영어 독해' 카테고리의 다른 글

    [쉬운영어 야매 팁] 관계대명사 해석  (0) 2020.12.16


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